I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It! (I Spent The Day Reading The ‘USAID’ Payments Log - WTF!?)

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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's blog post. I honestly have never seen anything like what I've been reading today. You can probably tell I'm still reeling from the sheer volume of information I’ve uncovered—and now, I’m sharing it with you. This deep dive into USAID's spending has left me absolutely stunned, and I think you'll feel the same.

First off, let me say this: there isn’t a lot of coverage on this topic outside of mainstream media. But I didn’t stop there—I went beyond the surface, digging into the craziest, most shocking payments this organization has made in recent years. I’ve consolidated everything for you right here, and trust me, the thumbnail is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you thought previous revelations were explosive, prepare yourself—because this is downright unbelievable. You probably know that USAID operates with a $50 billion foreign aid budget. But where does that money really go? While some of it does reach its intended destinations, a shocking amount is lost to corruption and mismanagement.

Let’s follow the money—because that’s exactly what I did.

First, a staggering $1.2 billion of that budget is undisclosed—meaning there's no public record of where it went. Only a select few know, and that's deeply concerning. Why the secrecy?

Now, let's dive into some of the most outrageous expenditures:

  • $45 million for DEI scholarships in Burma.

  • $520 million on consultant-driven ESG investments in Africa.

  • $2.5 million for DEI initiatives in Serbia.

  • $70,000 on an Irish DEI musical.

  • $47,000 for transgender operas in Colombia.

  • $32,000 for a trans comic book in Peru.

Yes, you read that correctly. But it gets even more bizarre.

  • $20 million was spent to build Sesame Street in Iraq. This is not a joke—there are images of it online. Why would taxpayer money fund that?

  • $56 million to boost tourism in Egypt and Tunisia. Again, why?

  • $40 million to build schools in Jordan. Shouldn’t we prioritize fixing schools in the U.S. first?

If you’re highly liberal, this might not be your favorite read—but the facts speak for themselves. The list goes on:

  • $11 million to tell Vietnam to stop burning trash.

  • $27 million for reintegration gift bags for deported Central Americans.

But wait, there’s more. Let’s rewind to some of the most mind-boggling historical spending:

  • $27 million to teach Moroccans how to make pottery—even though Morocco is one of the earliest cultures to master pottery.

  • $1 billion in aid to Afghanistan simply disappeared. No trail, no accountability. Some of it funded ghost employees and even ended up with the Taliban.

  • $1.4 billion in cash—yes, pallets of cash—was sent to Iran in 2016 as part of a controversial deal during the Obama administration.

  • $48 million on a failed crocodile conservation program in the Philippines. The croc population barely increased.

  • $43 million to build a single gas station in Afghanistan. It was abandoned and never used. A similar station in the U.S. would cost around $500,000.

  • $3.6 million on an Egyptian reality TV show that flopped.

  • $15 million to teach Filipino youth how to put on socks for hygiene awareness.

  • $12 million for gender equality programs in Jordan’s military.

  • $6 million on a Colombian circus program meant to deter kids from crime.

  • $22 million to fight climate change on Mars. Yes, Mars.

It doesn’t stop there. A lot of this aid goes to countries that oppose American interests. For instance:

  • Billions have gone to both Palestinian organizations and Israeli organizations. Some funds allegedly ended up with Hamas.

  • Aid also went to countries like Pakistan, Egypt, and Jordan—with little to no accountability.

So, who supports all this spending? Predictably, Republicans are highly skeptical, arguing that taxpayer money should stay in the U.S. Democrats, on the other hand, claim that this aid fosters global stability and diplomacy.

Now, let’s talk about the politics behind the scenes. 97% of political contributions from USAID employees went to Democrats. Just under $1,000 went to Trump, while $241,000 went to Kamala Harris. The Clinton Foundation also managed $4.4 billion for Haiti in 2010, but there's little record of where that money actually went.

More recently, USAID employees approved over $6 million in contracts—even after Trump’s freeze on foreign aid payments. This is why some employees were fired, despite media claims of overreach.

Even billionaires like George Soros and Bill Gates sought funds from USAID. Why would billionaires need taxpayer money? It doesn’t add up.

To top it off, the highest-ranking person in the Treasury Department, David Lebrack, resigned rather than comply with an audit of the department. What’s he hiding?

And there’s more: Thousands of federal employees have been holding second jobs while working from home, which is illegal for federal employees. Criminal convictions are on the horizon.

Trump’s first presidency didn’t fully "drain the swamp," but this time? He’s not messing around.

If you found this post eye-opening, make sure to subscribe to my newsletter for more deep dives like this. Over 11,000 people have joined in just the last two weeks—don’t miss out!

Thanks for reading. Stay informed, and as always—follow the money.

Take care and God bless.


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