Blog Articles and Commentaries from Neil McCoy-Ward
Christmas 2021 cancelled?
Your Christmas has never been more under threat! If you don’t take note and act now Christmas 2021 could be cancelled.
Is there a water crisis coming?
Water connects every aspect of life. Access to safe water and sanitation contributes to improved health and helps prevent the spread of infectious disease, reducing mortality rates. As we continue to face the COVID pandemic, now more than ever access to safe water is critical to the health of families around the world.
Are young homeowners nearing extinction?
There are fewer young homeowners now than there were a decade ago so, will the after-effects of a COVID recovering economy contribute to the continuing decline in homeownership among young people?
Computer chip shortage strangling global manufacturing and killing economic recovery
The global chip crisis has arisen from a combination of events, creating a ‘perfect storm’ that is likely to cost the global economy billions of dollars.
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